I am a seeker of truth,

but instead of using books & the stars.

I started listening to the whispers of my Soul.


Megan Johnston, a Kinesiologist &  Soul Mentor & Energetic Heart Healer, lives on the Sunshine Coast and offers her services both in clinic & online.  As an ex-psychologist turned soul-fueled woman, Megan deeply understands what it’s like to live life feeling alone, disconnected & unfulfilled.  Through her own personal experience & guiding hundreds of women back into their hearts & dreams, Megan intimately knows what’s required to shift out of your head, feel empowered by your emotions & claim your freedom.

Together with a community of women, Megan is redefining what it means to be live authentically & with an open heart. To find out more about Megan’s work and the magic of becoming & awakening who you really are visit www.meganjohnston.com.au.


The Creatress of The Woman Within Journey 2017

Certificate 111 in Business 2015

Diploma in Kinesiology                                                 2014

Bachelor of Science – Applied Psychology 1996

Certificate 111 in Counselling + Business                    1998 + 2015

Reiki 11 Practitioner 2013

Working with Children & Young People – Blue Card     Current

Current CPR + First Aid Certificate Current

           MY  SOUL GIFTS


The 7 Woman Within archetypes were a gift from the universe, to me, for you.

To SEE the unseen and to FEEL the unknown.

To dive deep & journey within and navigate emotions.

To believe and trust the path of my soul.

To turn the darkness into something beautiful.

To make people feel safe to open and express their full self.

To empower you to find your answers and soul medicine.

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